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Lasting Powers of Attorney...

At Julia T. Betts we are often appointed as and are willing to perform the service of being an attorney.

We are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, the professional body governing solicitors and have indemnity insurance if things do go wrong.

There are two types of Power of Attorney:

  • A power of attorney that deals with financial aspects i.e. a property and affairs lasting power of attorney
  • A power of attorney that deals with health aspects i.e. a health and welfare power of attorney

We can assist you to:

  • Prepare both documents
  • Understand the benefits and drawbacks of such documents
  • Register the documents following completion

We firmly believe that everyone, young or old, should have a power of attorney because of course we have no means of knowing when such a document might be needed. Undoubtedly, the risk of becoming incapable of making such a document increases the older we get.

Julia T. Betts Solicitors can provide a solution to your problem. If you would like to discuss your requirements in person or over the telephone why not contact us.

Contact us:

01623 499 080


5 Milton Court, Ravenshead, Nottingham, NG15 9BD

SRA Number:
Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority - 47071 (

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